Astrology Secrets Revealed by ERIC FRANCIS

Dreaming of Earthquake

January 21, 2005


Dear Eric:

This isn't really a dream doctor query, but it is a dream. Last night, I dreamt that I speaking to this guy, who told me that the polestar, north or south, I don't know, was located above the epicenter of the earthquake near Sumatra a few days ago. I was wondering if you knew the location of the pole star at this time, and if my dream makes any sense relating to the earthquake. Thank you kindly for your assistance.





Dear Fiona,

What a fascinating dream. Not being much of an adept at fixed stars (such as Polaris), I passed your query onto my colleagues on the Centaur list (mentioned above). I received a couple of replies. One was from a bright and loving contributor named Heather, down in Oz.


"That dream was spot on Eric," she wrote. "Polaris conjoined the Sumatran quake Moon at 28+ degrees of Gemini, Polaris conjoined the Moon in the 9-11 attack, and Polaris sextiled Venus for Krakatau Eruption. Polaris (of much higher declination than the ecliptic, near the North Pole) is explained in Solar Fire simplified as 'to show the way'.


"Such a description makes you wonder, in that the tsunamis in Asia pales in contrast to the 9-11 attack and other terrorist attacks, and the response is compassionate. Although some religious people saying it was an act of God, and other people are taking offense at this.


"Makes you want to tread lightly on the Earth, so as not to disturb powers mightier than us, doesn't it?


"Best wishes for 2005,"



I offer a bit more on Polaris, excerpted from Anne Wright, testimony to how rich and amazing astrological writing can be, at:


History of the star: A star in the tip of the tail of the Little Bear Ursa Minor. Its name comes to us from the Latin, Stella Polaris, meaning "Pole Star".

It was known as the Star of Arcady, a title referring to Arcas, son of Callisto, transferred to the skies, now Ursa Minor, by his father Jove, when ignorantly about to slay his mother (Ursa Major).


Polaris has long been an important star to sailors, caravans of old winding their way over the desert by night and others who navigated their way by the stars. Located almost directly overhead as seen from the North Pole, it is situated at the tip of the tail of the Little Bear, Ursa Minor and the Lucida of that constellation. Perhaps more than any star other than the Sun; Polaris has been regarded as the most important star in the heavens. It has been known by many names in the past; "the Pathway"; "the Pointer" -- indicating the way; "Navel of the World", "Gate of Heaven", "Hub of the Cosmos", "the Highest Peak of the World Mountain", "Lodestar"; "the Steering Star"; "the Ship Star"; and Stella Maris "Star of the Sea".


Greek navigators of old called Polaris; Kynosoura, which means "the Dog's Tail". The name came into our English language as Cynosure, which means "an object that serves as a focal point of attention and admiration" or "Something that serves to guide".


The Arabs of old regarded Polaris as a hole in the sky in which the Earth's axis found its bearing. The Norsemen saw Polaris as holding the Universe together, Moguls calling it "the Golden Peg". In Damascus it is called Mismar, a "Needle" or "Nail" and Al Kutb al Shamaliyy, "the Northern Axle", or "Spindle", the Pin fixed in the under stone of a mill around which the upper stone turns.


Indians called it Grahadhara "the Pivot of the Planets" representing the great god Dhruva.


The Turks know it as Yilduz, the star par excellence; and have a story that its light was concealed for a time after their capture of Constantinople.


The proximity of the stars of the two bears (Ursa Major and Ursa Minor) to the North Celestial Pole gave the impression that they were wheeling around this point, pulling perhaps a plough behind them, tilling the heavenly fields and driven on by Bootes the Bear Driver who chases or herds the Bears around Polaris. Another version of this story has it that the oxen were tied to the polar axis and were driven on by Bootes, assisted by his two dogs Canes Venatici, in order that the rotations of the heavens should never cease.


In spite of Polaris's usefulness in navigation, the Arabs looked on the star as an evil star, calling it Al Kiblah, because it was the star "least distant from the pole". To them it was also Giedi or Al Jadi, Al Jadi, or Juddah, "the Young He Goat", "the slayer of the man" who had slain the Great Warrior of the Sky; who forever lies in the huge coffin outlined by the stars marking the big dipper (Ursa Major), all the other stars mourn for their lost hero and each night march around the sky in a never-ending funeral procession. The villain, Polaris, alone is kept motionless, an outcast forever fixed to the coldest part of the northern sky. Muslims used this star to orient themselves toward Mecca, the place Muslims must face during worship.


To our eyes Polaris appears to be motionless at the center of the field of circumpolar stars, a "still point in the turning world". All the other stars appear to circle around Polaris. But as early as 320 BCE the Greeks has realized that Polaris did not mark the pole exactly. Until then many people had believed that the heavenly Pole was absolutely and eternally fixed. Polaris has long been moving nearer the North Celestial Pole as it is still doing now. It will be closest to that position around 2100 AD. Because the Earth wobbles on its axis like a slowly spinning top, the Pole Star once was Thuban, the third star from the end of the tail of Draco. And in a little more that 5000 years from now, Alderamin, the brightest star in the constellation Cepheus, the King, will be the Pole Star.


In past ages, whichever star held the position of Pole Star was worshipped as the star of that age. Polaris is now the star of our own age. The planet, Uranus, was discovered a degree (longitude) away from this star. Polaris (along with the other stars in Ursa Minor) has a Uranian influence [Greek Kynos-oura = dogs-tail; Oura-nus; Ouranos = Greek for Uranus].


This constellation is represented by "The Universe" of the Tarot, which signifies "Eternal life", enlightenment, re-integration, perfection, completion. It gives a "do or die" spirit; and a desire to reach the highest peak; "conquer the World" which on another level symbolises conquering the Self; the egoic self.


Eric's Note: The Universe, the 21st trump of the Tarot, is also associated with Saturn, which fits some of these descriptions (stability, orientation, cosmic and psychic structure) quite nicely.