Astrology Secrets Revealed by ERIC FRANCIS



November 26, 2004


Dear Readers:

Welcome to Sagittarius, what I refer to as Sagittattitude. The Sun transited into this freewheeling, visionary, make up the rules as you go, devil-be-patient I've got a job to do, hey I'm late for my flight sign of the tropical zodiac on Monday, commencing the third solar month of the season (autumn in the north, spring in the south).


Sagittarius is the mutable fire sign. Mutabilty is the quality of diffusing or dissipating energy, giving way to something else, which is why it always ends each season and precedes one of the major solar events (such as the forthcoming solstice). Fire is the creative passion that drives all the cosmos. This is a bizarre combination (fire being rather yang, mutability being rather yin), and as a product of this cosmic laboratory we get highly a diverse collection of odd and incomparable specimens.


What other sign possibly could give you William Blake, Jane Fonda, Philip K. Dick, Uri Geller, Emily Dickinson, Robert Hand, Jimi Hendrix, Margaret Mead, Steve Speilberg, Mark Twain, Jonathan Cainer and my old friend Karen Pardini, I ask you?


For a long time, astrologers have noticed something a little bit "beyond this reality" about Sagittarians. They associated it with foreign travel, long voyages, learning about culture, higher education, libraries and collections of knowledge, getting the word out through publishing, and the higher spiritual energies that inspire people to do their greatest work. In fact Sagittarius sees beyond this world well enough to see this world in context of the rest of creation. As a result, its natives often feel like strangers in a strange land, and as such, I would not be surprised at all if Moses were born under this sign (we don't have his chart). Sagittarians, while they can seem like iconoclasts, tend to be quite concerned with cosmic law, ethics, and philosophy -- and they can just be quite creative about all of it. If you don't have a good philosophy, ask someone born in Sagittarius.


As the centuries progressed and we learned more about the nature of space, Sagittarius -- which is an actual direction in the cosmos; like the other signs, it is a kind of place -- became the scene of several major discoveries. One is the galactic core. We live on an island in space called a galaxy -- the Milky Way (or Milky Weg if you happen to be in Holland). This island contains hundreds of billions of stars with arms that spiral out into space. We live on a star toward one of the outer regions, between two of the arms. If you want to look from our point of view on Earth in the direction of the center or core, you look in the direction of Sagittarius. To be exact, you look in the direction of 27 degrees of Sagittarius, which the Sun crosses every year around Dec. 17.


Think of it this way. When you look at the Sun this time of year, you are looking straight at the core of the galaxy. Imagine the galactic arms spreading off fro the Sun like wings, steeply inclined. When Saggies are born, the Sun lines up with the galaxy. Aren't these people starting to make a little more sense now?


Then came major discovery number two, made in 1986 (with Chiron exactly opposing it): The Great Attractor. As scientific equipment became more sophisticated, we began to be able to see into space and pick up things not visible to the eye, or even a telescope. Radio signals and invisible light at odd ends of the spectrum provided this unusual ability to see.


The Great Attractor, located at about 14 degrees of Sagittarius and two arc minutes (with which the Sun aligns each year around Dec. 7) is the largest, heaviest, most massive, most prodigious thing known in all of space. It is invisible, but it is very much there, pulling toward it a million galaxies at a speed of 24 million miles per day, including our own galaxy, and Andromeda, and the entire local group that surrounds us.


That's one a heck of a vacuum cleaner. What it actually is, scientists are not quite sure; so you can read up on it, I'll include some links below, including a piece I wrote a couple of years ago that quote astrologer Phil Sedgwick, who gives talks and makes really good tapes about how to interpret this and other galactic points in charts (and whose methods I have adopted for this point).


So, in Sagittarius, we have two examples of the center of space; local space in the form of the galactic core, the core of a few hundred billion stars; and the Great Attractor. Does this give us a few clues as to why so many Sagittarians seem larger than life?


Also currently in Sagittarius, we have the planet Pluto (discovered 1930), and much newer planets Ixion (discovered 2001) and Quaoar (discovered in 2002). During the next month, the Sun will go over all of these points, and Mercury will be retrograde in this vicinity as well. This should be yet another an exciting and unpredictable little curve on the teacup ride known as life.


Here's a bit on the Great Attractor:


Here's my article on the Great Attractor, with some multimedia links that hopefully still work. It's connected to a whole essay series on Sagittarius.


Here's a nice collection of images of Andromeda Galaxy, which is like our twin in outer space:


Here are two of your questions this week.